Hannah Ward


“I took a deep breath and listened to the old brag of my heart. I am, I am, I am.” Sylvia Plath


At Stone Wave | The Collective
Hannah is currently teaching classes at the Gardiner Stone Wave Yoga studio.

Yoga Credentials
She completed her 200-hour certification and Trauma Sensitive Yoga training through Stone Wave Yoga’s Teacher Training Program.

More About
Hannah is an artist and a passionate animal advocate. Hannah works with rescued farmed animals and has five rescued dogs at home. Off the mat, she enjoys exploring the Hudson Valley, drawing in her studio, jigsaw puzzles, and making extensive playlists.

 She attended her first yoga class in 2008, but discovered the transformative power of a daily practice ten years later. The practice and traditions of yoga taught her to find both presence and peace in her body and inspired her desire to study yoga in-depth. Hannah cares deeply about yoga as a tool for processing trauma, addiction, and disability.

Hannah aims to help others practice and understand the tremendous alchemy of physical movement. Mindful presence in the body helps us to build trust, break patterns, and find greater compassion off the mat. “These classes strive to honor the traditions of yoga, as it originated in ancient India, not as an exercise routine, but as a union of the mind, body, and spirit in all aspects of our lives. Through regular practice and community, we can learn to face our struggles, rather than avoid them, and truly grow as human beings. Our bodies are so intelligent, we need only listen.”

Learn more about Hannah by visiting the links below.
Social: @cicadasongyoga


There are two ways of spreading light. To be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.
Edith Wharton