Tracy Daubel, Yin+Restorative

“All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.” St. Francis of Assisi


At Stone Wave | The Collective
Tracy is currently Substituting classes at the Stone Wave Yoga studios.

Yoga Credentials
She completed her Yin+Restorative certification through Stone Wave Yoga’s Teacher Training Programs.

More About
In her earlier years Tracy led fitness-oriented yoga classes at a local gym while working full time as a physical therapist at the same location. Life became very busy shortly after as three very loved and cherished little ones took center stage (and still do, even though they’re not so little anymore). Tracy’s journey eventually brought her back to yoga and rekindled her desire to share it with others. She has completed her training through Stone Wave in Yin and Restorative and greatly enjoys any opportunity to fill in for instructors at the studio.

Tracy is currently working full time as a pediatrics physical therapist. She works with medically fragile children with multiple disabilities and takes any opportunity to incorporate goal-oriented yin and restorative positioning techniques into her treatment approach.”

Learn more about Tracy by visiting the links below.


There are two ways of spreading light. To be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.
Edith Wharton