Marissa Caccamo


“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi


At the Stone wave / The Collective

Marisa is currently teaching Yin, Restore & Aromatherapy at the Stone Wave Yoga studios as well as substituting classes.

Yoga Credentials 

She completed her Yin + Restorative certification through Stone Wave Yoga teacher training programs

More About

 In earlier years Marisa was an industrial designer, RISD alumni and dedicated years heading up corporate recruiting efforts for design departments for fortune 1000 companies. After she had her son and cared for her mother during her cancer journey she made an intentional life change to help others with their health and mental well being as a holistic wellness coach, Reiki practitioner and dōTERRA Certified essential oil educator.  She completed her training through Stonewave Yoga in Yin and restorative. This training was important to her, so that she could share the healing she had experienced with both yin and restorative practice. She helps empower individuals, families and special needs children and adults to care for their own health and mental wellbeing naturally through a number of healing modalities, so that we put the “health” back in healthcare.

Learn more about Marisa by visiting the links below

Social media

IG: @mtcaccamo 



There are two ways of spreading light. To be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.
Edith Wharton