Olivia Petrocella, RYT-200


At Stone Wave Yoga | The Collective
Olivia is currently teaching classes at the Gardiner Stone Wave Yoga studio.

Yoga Credentials
Olivia received her 200-hour yoga teacher training certification through Stone Wave Yoga.

More About
Born and raised in North Carolina, Olivia came to the Hudson Valley after years of transience, working and living on several small farms across the country. Her passion for the outdoors and love of people brought her into agriculture. She currently lives on a homestead with her partner and a group of dedicated friends, growing food and raising animals as well as working at Rondout Valley Growers Association, a small nonprofit dedicated to preserving local agriculture in Ulster County. 

Olivia has a dedicated Zen meditation practice that is foundational to her navigation of the world. Diving into yoga has furthered her interfaith understanding of the magical and mystical qualities of Life, as well as providing incredible tools for handling the suffering we all experience and witness. A lover of asana practice for more than a decade, Olivia seeks to interweave the nourishing power of mindfulness and meditation into her classes to create a space not just for physical expression but for spiritual health. Olivia completed her 200 hour YTT with Stone Wave Yoga in 2024. 

Learn more about Olivia, by visiting the links below.


There are two ways of spreading light. To be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.
Edith Wharton