Rachel Ritacco - RYT-200
“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.
At Stone Wave Yoga | The Collective
Rachel is currently teaching classes at the Gardiner Stone Wave Yoga studio.
Yoga Credentials
Rachel has completed her 200-Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher Certification at Shiva Yoga Peeth, Rishikesh, India (2015) and a 95-Hour Children’s Yoga Certification from Little Flower Yoga Teacher Training Program. New York, NY (2021).
More About
Rachel was born and raised in the Hudson Valley of New York, and has maintained a personal yoga practice for 18 years. Her career background other than the realm of yoga is in photography, theater and early childhood education. After completing a 200-hour yoga teacher certification in India in 2015, she subsequently began teaching yoga to private clients in NYC. In 2021, she completed a children’s yoga teacher certification, which enhanced her skill set in crafting fun, themed classes for children. She is a strong advocate for providing youth and adults alike with mindfulness resources to aid in emotional regulation. While living in Montana in recent years, Rachel taught a gentle yoga class for adults at the Core Collective studio in Helena.
As someone who has found yoga to be an invaluable tool for balancing her own mental health over the years, Rachel developed several wellness workshops designed to help those experiencing similar struggles. Past workshops she has led include a Chakra Yoga series, Yoga for Anxiety and Yoga for Depression, all of which aim at giving participants a greater sense of equilibrium in both mind and body.
As a teacher, Rachel is passionate about making yoga accessible to every body. Her personal teaching style emphasizes helping students to understand safe alignment practices and encouraging everyone (regardless of experience level) to listen to their own bodies’ needs at any given moment. She also enjoys incorporating breath work and longer pose holds in class, as ways to both release tension and build muscular strength. Rachel is a profound lover of nature, animals, travel, veggies and her dear family & friends. Having returned to hometown of Gardiner with her husband this year, she is delighted and honored to be joining the Stone Wave community.
Learn more about Rachel, by visiting the links below.
Email: racheljritacco@gmail.com
Website: ritaccophotography.com
There are two ways of spreading light. To be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.
Edith Wharton