Purple Fries and Perspective

I sat at table near the kitchen, and watched the servers move in and out - the door swinging wildly this way and that. The tall lanky server came over to me and asked if I wanted anything. "Truffle fries please." I said. I absolutely love fries and could not wait for them to arrive. 

The show had started and I was mesmerized by the speakers. Always have been a fan of the spoken word, and can get very absorbed in the experience. It was this complete absorption that I barely noticed the plate of hot fries in front of me.

Delighted, I grabbed one skinny, oily, salty fry and dipped it the red ketchup. Right before I put it in my mouth, I noticed that the tip (that I dipped in the ketchup) was purple! I gasped. Was something wrong with the ketchup?! I shifted in my chair uncomfortably and looked again and now that same part was red!

I moved the fry in my hand and noticed that the purple was a result of the lighting. If I turned the fry one way it was dipped in red and another way it was dipped in purple.

The perspective I chose attracted a different light and gave it a total unique experience. This is true about our thoughts and how we chose to look at things. 

We may not think we can choose, but we can shift our perspective with a little bit of effort and gain a whole new experience.

Lately, I have been needing a fresh perspective on a few things in my life. How about you? 

We can practice this choice by bringing in positive affirmations and rewiring old thought patterns.

Scripture Share
Changing thought patterns is hard, but we can renew our mind. I have been so fortunate to be raised with, and still surrounded by, so many transformational scriptures.

Book of Romans 12.2. . . but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good, acceptable and perfect will of God in your life (this means you find your path to your true self).

In the Vedic Hymns, Yajurveda -34.6 is a fantastic verse about the mind. It says that the mind is considered as the swiftest, and it is seated in the heart and also unmortified. It is the controller of the sense organs. These verses also indicate the necessity of controlling (and renewing) the mind (to find your true self).