When I worked in Manhattan many years ago, there was a new fast food restaurant that opened near where I worked. Now I am not a fan of fast food establishments, but this one stuck in my memory.
Each day right around lunch there was the strong aroma of food that would seem to draw people to their doors; with long lines forming down the block. Later I learned, that they actually had been purposely pumping 'food smell' out a vent to entice and attract.
I don't think that I really grew in my appreciation for sense of smell until I lost my ability to smell (and taste) for a short period of time. It changed my life and offered me a deeper appreciation for my nose (and her important role in my body).
During the time I lost the sense of smell, my doctor introduced me to the concept of exercising my nose. Each day I used essential oils with a citrus base to stimulate olfactory cells. At first there was no difference, but then - little by little - I regained my sense of smell.
Since then, I have gone deeper into studying the healing power of essential oils and have learned to incorporate the sense of smell as part of a holistic self-care experience.
We often take our nose for granted, but it is such an important part of our being.
Did you know?
Smell is the only fully developed sense a fetus has in the womb, and it’s the one that is the most developed in a child through the age of around 10 when sight takes over.
Did you know?
People do tend to lose their sense of smell as they age. But not to worry. Your nose is like a muscle in the body that can be strengthened by giving it a daily workout, not with weights, but with sniffs. (1)
Smell and emotion are stored as one memory, and this is where the powerful healing touch of aromatherapy comes into play.
The sense of smell has been used since ancient times to adorn, anoint, entice, and for ceremony.
Your robes are all fragrant with myrrh and aloes and cassia.
Psalm 45:8
"Smell is a potent wizard that transports you across thousands of miles and all the years you have lived."
Helen Keller