The Abundance Mindset

When Henry Ford famously stated, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't – you're right”, he was emphasizing how our attitude and beliefs determine our success or failure.

I don't know about you, but my mind often has a 'mind of its own!' Meditation and yoga have taught me to observe my thought patterns with compassion and remember to replace negativity with positivity. To replace thoughts of scarcity with abundance.

We don't always realize it, but self-limiting thoughts can have a lasting negative impact on our lives, whereas positive reinforcements and a bright outlook on life can help us make better choices, thus resulting in successful outcomes. 

Recently, I had a bombardment of bad news and it left me in a struggle with the negative loop in my head. Ever have that experience? My guess is some of you may know what I mean. 

During my daily meditations, I would repeat an affirmation that someone gave me. . .

I expect today to be the best day of my life spiritually, financially, emotionally, physically and relationally with the power of the universe and G-ds infinite grace within me.

While the negative loop kept trying to come back - because it will try - I found that the more I repeated the positive words, the weaker the negativity became.

The abundance mindset says I have everything I need right here and right now. When scarcity and negativity knock on your door, you can answer it with positive affirmations and choose to see the good.

People with an abundance mindset have these 7 habits . . 

  1. Believe in infinite possibilities

  2. Understand the power of your thoughts

  3. Stop comparing yourself to others

  4. Incorporate gratitude as a daily practice

  5. Build win-win situations for all

  6. Be willing to learn

  7. Create daily affirmations to strengthen the abundance mindset

Notice that none of the above says you have more stuff than others, or that you have achieved more. Instead, the abundance mindset is about where you focus your thoughts and actions. 

Also, know that focusing on the positive when things are going negative around you does not mean you are avoiding reality. Instead, it simply means that you are choosing to increase the positive energy within you and elevate your impact on your environment. 

The LORD (of love) will grant you abundant prosperity in your body, in your work, and in your home, (adaptation of Deut. 28:11 - Torah)

“Abundance mindset is believed to favor personal and spiritual growth. People with growth mindset believe that talent is merely the starting point and abilities can be honed with consistent efforts towards betterment.” 

Last Words on this Topic:
You can change your mindset. 
You can.